Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Nerdiness in London

Many things make me nerdy but these are the few that have come to me recently:

  • Making humanities venn diagrams from my reading – humanists v. reformers

  • Absolutely loving “As You Like It” and staying up late to finish the play before all my other homework was done

  • Seeing a sculpture where Truth pulls out the forked tongue of Falsehood then seeing Valour crushing Cowardice – I just love those strong female heroines

  • Getting ridiculously excited over the textiles of Ancient Egypt that depict the tree of life (it plays to my love of different cultural representations of the tree of life as well as my love of finding Gospel truths in other cultures)

  • My goal of learning cockney and using it in everyday conversations

  • Seeing the scars of the blitz on the Victoria Albert Museum and wondering what more can humanity do to itself?

PS In the V&A Museum we discussed Democrotus' bust that is always depicted as a happy, jolly fellow and the contrast to Heroclitus' bust that is always depicted as melancholy as he believed humans were in a dismal state. That brought me to wonder what my bust would be depicted as? Hopefully happy, perhaps just my face stuffed with food...

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